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Tips To Effective Website Development

Web Development

Your Website Development Is Your Businesses Introduction To The World

It’s basically a virtual 24-hour-a-day business card. Your website is a place at which clients, and potential clients, can interact with you. The importance of a B2B (business-to-business) website and a solid website development plan is the foundation from which all of your other online marketing efforts spring forth.

There are many platforms on which to build a website – both free and paid sites – and many of them are easy enough for a novice to build him or herself. Every business, no matter whether you’re a start up or a thriving enterprise should have one. In addition to simply having a website, you need to create compelling copy that engages visitors. The content on your website should gently guide prospects through a sales and marketing funnel with the end result being their initiating contact or making a purchase from you.

Here are seven components to an effective website:

  1. Have your website built on a content management system (CMS), one that is easy for you to update and enhance when the need arises. If your budget is tight, you can upload a preformatted template from the website platforms. If you have the funds available, hire a web designer to create a logo and customized template for your business.
  2. Add widgets to your site to help optimize it for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and make certain your content reflects keywords related to the services you provide. Google Analytics should be installed on your site as a way to track how visitors are finding you and which keywords are driving the traffic.
  3. Incorporate a blog into your website development plan. Spread the word about the blog and it will drive traffic to your website. Create both outbound and inbound links, update frequently and incorporate key words into your posts.
  4. Send out a monthly email newsletter and encourage visitors to your website to subscribe. Offer a free report or white paper as in incentive to subscribe.
  5. Sign up for a YouTube channel and publish links to videos on your website. You will also want to embed videos on your website as well to offer snippets of relevant information.
  6. Leverage social media as a way to drive traffic to your website. Additionally, being involved in social media is a great way to interact with current and potential clients.
  7. Your website should be a living marketing tool. Update it frequently; add or update customer testimonials, advertise upcoming specials or new product lines. Keeping your website current helps your search rankings.

Bottom line: the purpose of your website is to be a marketing tool that is always available to promote your goods and services and generate revenue. To make certain your site remains relevant, take time on a monthly basis (at a minimum) to type your keywords into a Google search to make sure your site is on page one.

While a novice can develop a site, it’s important to have knowledge and awareness of current updates from the engines and how best to create a site that will easily be found and ranked by the engines. A novice developer may not understand all the components to achieving high-quality rankings. Consider hiring a reputable SEO firm who can also create your site to achieve best results!


Search Revolutions is dedicated to building real relationships with our clients. It is not only our goal to help you succeed but also our passion to help businesses build a successful online presence.

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