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Five Reasons To Embrace Article Marketing

Article Marketing

Article Marketing Should Be Part Of Your Overall Marketing And Promotions Plan For Your Business

If your business isn’t moving along as quickly as you’d hoped, you need to look at new avenues to amp up your visibility quotient and share your expertise. One way to do that – in a low cost, no cost way – is through writing articles and posting them on online article sites. Article marketing should be part of your overall marketing and promotions plan for your business; it offers myriad benefits and melds your other marketing and social media efforts.

Here are five reasons entrepreneurs need to add article posting to their marketing efforts:

  1. Customers are more likely to make a purchase or do business with someone they “know, like and trust.” Establishing yourself as an authority in your field of expertise is a perfect way to do just that. Potential clients will get to know you through the articles that you write and the wisdom you impart. Whether you’re a hair dresser, accountant or real estate agent, articles are a great way to provide your clients and potential clients with information about who you are and what you do.
  2. Writing articles is a focused approach to reaching your ideal audience. Write your articles around search terms that relate to your specific industry. Spread the word about your published articles onto your social media pages.
  3. Writing and posting articles amps up your SEO. When you write articles, make sure you’re taking advantage of the key words to link back to your home website.
  4. Article marketing is free – except for the time you spend writing articles, or paying a professional to write them for you. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to reap large benefits.
  5. Articles have staying power. Once your articles are published, they are a permanent and ongoing source of traffic for your website or social media sites. The more you write on your specific area of expertise the more benefits your business reaps. Article writing helps build your brand.

Don’t jump into it article writing without a plan. It should be part of your overall marketing program -– take advantage of holidays and promotions you’re running as part of your article writing and marketing plan.


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